Headquarter Address



UPDATED Address 2020

Headquarter Address


Attention: L.E.A.F. LEGAL

UPDATED Address 2020



For Profit & Non Profit PROFILE:

LIONELL INC (A Private Corporation) & L.E.A.F. (A Private Non Profit Organization)

manifests it's Business Entity STATUS by Adhering to Delaware Corporate Law (since 2001):


Any questions, a good place to start is DELEWARE.GOV



# 7389 OSHA.GOV Classification for LIONELL INC

Standard Industry Code Number "7389"

Dunn & Bradstreet

Business SIC # for LIONELL INC is *7389*




As the Officer (Layman) of this venture(s),

I do as I please, when I please - when it pleases I:

PRIVATELY Thank You for respecting my privacy...



of·fi·cer [áwfissər, óffissər]noun (plural of·fi·cers)

elected or appointed official: somebody who is elected or appointed to an administrative position in a society, corporation, or government department


lay·man [láymən]

(plural lay·men [láymən])
1. somebody without specialist knowledge: somebody who is not trained or expert in a particular area
  • a law book for the layman

    Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.






    © 2000 - 2020 LIONELL.E.A.F. ORATIONS:




    (corporations of facts)


    AUTONOMOUS / An autonomous agent is a system situated in, and part of, an environment, which senses that environment, and acts on it, over time, in pursuit of its own agenda. This agenda evolves from drives (or programmed goals). The agent acts to change the environment and influences what it senses at a later time.


    SOVEREIGN / "Sovereign" redirects here. For other uses, see Sovereign (disambiguation).

    The frontispiece of Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan, depicting the Sovereign as a massive body wielding a sword and crozier and composed of many individual people.Sovereignty is the quality of having supreme, independent authority over a territory. It can be found in a power to rule and make law that rests on a political fact for which no purely legal explanation can be provided. The concept has been discussed, debated and questioned throughout history, from the time of the Romans through to the present day, although it has changed in its definition, concept, and application throughout, especially during the Age of Enlightenment. The current notion of state sovereignty was laid down in the Treaty of Westphalia (1648), which, in relation to states, codified the basic principles of territorial integrity, border inviolability, and supremacy of the state (rather than the Church). A sovereign is a supreme lawmaking authority.


    PRIVATE / Privacy (in Latin privatus 'separated from the rest, deprived of sth, esp. office, participation in the government', from privo 'to deprive') is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively. The boundaries and content of what is considered private differ among cultures and individuals, but share basic common themes. Privacy is sometimes related to anonymity, the wish to remain unnoticed or unidentified in the public realm. When something is private to a person, it usually means there is something within them that is considered inherently special or personally sensitive. The degree to which private information is exposed therefore depends on how the public will receive this information, which differs between places and over time. Privacy can be seen as an aspect of security — one in which trade-offs between the interests of one group and another can become particularly clear.The right against unsanctioned invasion of privacy by the government, corporations or individuals is part of many countries' privacy laws, and in some cases, constitutions. Almost all countries have laws which in some way limit privacy; an example of this would be law concerning taxation, which normally require the sharing of information about personal income or earnings. In some countries individual privacy may conflict with freedom of speech laws and some laws may require public disclosure of information which would be considered private in other countries and cultures. Privacy may be voluntarily sacrificed, normally in exchange for perceived benefits and very often with specific dangers and losses, although this is a very strategic view of human relationships. Academics who are economists, evolutionary theorists, and research psychologists describe revealing privacy as a 'voluntary sacrifice', where sweepstakes or competitions are involved. In the business world, a person may give personal details (often for advertising purposes) in order to enter a gamble of winning a prize. Information which is voluntarily shared and is later stolen or misused can lead to identity theft.The concept of privacy is most often associated with Western culture, English and North American in particular. According to some researchers, the concept of privacy sets Anglo-American culture apart even from other Western European cultures such as French or Italian.[1] The concept is not universal and remained virtually unknown in some cultures until recent times. A word "privacy" is sometimes regarded as untranslatable[2] by linguists. Many languages lack a specific word for "privacy". Such languages either use a complex description to translate the term (such as Russian combine meaning of уединение - solitude, секретность - secrecy, and частная жизнь - private life) or borrow English "privacy" (as Indonesian Privasi or Italian la privacy)[2].


    PRIVATE INC / The term privately held company or close corporation refers to the ownership of a business company in two different ways: first, referring to ownership by non-governmental organizations; and second, referring to ownership of the company's stock by a relatively small number of holders who do not trade the stock publicly on the stock market. Less ambiguous terms for a privately held company are unquoted company and unlisted company.Though less visible than their publicly traded counterparts, private companies have a major importance in the world's economy. In 2008, the 441 largest private companies in the USA accounted for $1.8 trillion in revenues and employed 6.2 million people, according to Forbes. In 2005, the 339 companies on Forbes' survey of closely held U.S. businesses sold a trillion dollars' worth of goods and services and employed 4 million people. In 2004, the Forbes' count of privately held U.S. businesses with at least $1 billion in revenue was 305.[1]


    PRIVATE FOUNDATION / Private foundations are legal entities set up by an individual, a family or a group of individuals, for a purpose such as philanthropy. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private foundation in the U.S. with over $38 billion in assets.[1] However, most private foundations are much smaller and approximately two-thirds of more than 84,000 filing with the IRS in 2008 have less than $1 million in assets and 93% have less than $10 million.[1] In aggregate, private foundations in the U.S. control over $628 billion in assets[1] and made more than $44 billion in charitable contributions in 2007.[2]Unlike a charitable foundation, a private foundation does not generally solicit funds from the public.


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